Children’s Ministry
The purpose of CIMC’s Children’s Ministry is to show the love of Jesus through our lives as we teach them about Jesus. Our goal is to teach the children the Gospel so they come to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour. We strive to build a solid foundation for the children to stand upon as they walk with Jesus.
Sunday School (9:45AM – 10:45AM):
Our Sunday school program offer classes for children from two years old through High school. They will have a wonderful time learning about Jesus Christ and His precious Word. For more information, please contact Rebecca Brauman, Sunday School Superintendent.
Wednesday Night – God’s Defenders (6:00 PM – 7:30 PM):
God’s Defenders is our Wednesday night children’s program. It is for children three years old through 5th grade. The children experience God’s Word through hands on learning and games. They learn how special God’s Word is by learning how to use the Bible and by memorizing Scripture. For more information, please contact Tina Perkins, Children’s Ministry Coordinator through the church office at 328-4424.
Vacation Bible School:
Our Vacation Bible School takes place one week each summer during the evenings and includes group singing, as well as different stations like games, drama, theatre, crafts, Bible exploration, and journaling. The emphasis of each activity is to teach the children more about Jesus.